>> WEEKEND TEFL (50 hrs+) |
>> Certificate and letter of reference >> Internationally-recognized qualification >> FREE one-year subscription to Teachitworld, a leading resource site for teachers >> Input delivered through dynamic interactive workshops >> Liaise with other teachers >> Preference for jobs at our English Language Schools >> Train by the Spanish Mediterranean Coast >> Sign up with a friend and get 10 % off each |
290 GBP 455 USD
'Twenty years of teaching experience can become no more than two years' experience repeated ten times over' - Jim Scrivener in Learning Teaching.
Language teachers, be it starting or more experienced teachers, need to keep abreast of current methodology and trends in language teaching.
This intensive weekend Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) course aims to act as an initiation to those new to the teaching profession or as a refresher to more experienced teachers.
Course Qualifications
This course leads to the Preliminary Certificate in TESOL
How the course works
This TEFL-TESOL Certificate Course consists of two phases:
Phase 1 - Workshop-based:
This takes places over the course of a weekend in our centre in Tarragona, Spain. Input is delivered in a series of practical workshops where the onus is on interaction and active candidate participation.
Phase 2- Homework assignment:
Course participants are given two weeks' to complete a 3000-word essay based on the topics covered on the course.
Course Aims
The overall aim of this intensive TEFL-TESOL certificate course is to provide a good introduction to current methodology and trends in language teaching. The course can also be conceived as a refresher course to those practicing teachers who would like to appraise their practice in light of newer methods, approaches and attitudes in language teaching.
A subsidiary aim of this course is for teachers to network with other professionals, exchange ideas and build up their repertoire of resources and teaching techniques.
The course is divided into twelve practical workshops followed by a homework assignment. Although the language of instruction is meant to be English and some of the input pertains to the field of English Language Teaching, teachers of other languages can also benefit from taking part as the onus is on methodological principles that can be applied to the teaching of language in general.
The following are some of the more specific objectives of this TESOL-TEFL course:
The Preliminary TESOL Certificate is available to those speakers whose first or second language is English and is suitable for those who want to teach in the country of their choice.
The Preliminary TESOL Certificate gives candidates the basic skills and knowledge with a strong foundation in TESOL.
The Preliminary TESOL Certificate makes candidates aware of the importance of further professional development throughout their career.
The Preliminary TESOL Certificate reflects current approaches to TESOL-TEFL.
The Preliminary TESOL Certificate encourages candidates to experience what it is like to be a language learner.
The Preliminary TESOL Certificate encourages candidates to develop self-evaluation techniques and record progress throughout their course.
Course Contents
Phase 1 - Workshop-based:
1. How languages are learned: an introduction to SLA theory
2. Individual differences in language learning
3. Classroom management skills
4. Lesson planning and skills integration
5. Teaching listening and reading
6. Teaching speaking
7. Teaching writing
8. Teaching pronunciation
9. Vocabulary in the communicative classroom
10. Integrating grammar into communicative language teaching
11. Teaching language with new technology
12. Teacher development and career options
Phase 2- Homework assignment:
As a follow-up to the onsite phase course participants are required to complete a 3000-word essay where they need to demonstrate insights into the practical application of theories and approaches covered on the course.
This takes place over the period of two weeks during which course participants stay in touch with course tutors through online, onsite or telephone tutorials. During this period participants will have access to Anglo Centre's resource centre where they can consult the recommended list of reading materials for further study and reference in completing their assignment.
Course Evaluation
Your final grade will be a reflection of your participation and contribution to the workshops, and your final essay grade. There are no exams.
Certificates bear one of the following:
Pass with Distinction
Pass with Merit
Final grades are based on where you are at the end of your training and are given as either A+, A, B+, B or C.
Course Dates and Fees
Click HERE for details of dates and prices.