>>  Certificate and letter of reference
>>  FREE one-year subscription to Teachitworld, a leading
      resource site for teachers.
>>  Personal tutor support throughout your course
>>  Online and onsite courses
>>  Downloadable course materials (online course)
>>  Input delivered through dynamic interactive workshops 
      (onsite course)
>>  Train by the Spanish Mediterranean Coast (onsite course)
>>  Preference for jobs at our English Language Schools
>>  Sign up with a friend and get 10 % off each
225 EUR
185 GBP
295 USD

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Business English has been on increasing demand for several years and professionals with a sound knowledge of the world of business and associated teaching methodologies are coveted individuals.

The LCCIE First Certificate for Teachers of Business English is an advanced qualification awarded by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Qualifications (LCCI IQ) and a worldwide recognized certificate. Holders of this qualification on top of an initial TEFL or TESOL certificate are ideal candidates for great many teaching positions around the globe that require versatile teachers who are qualified to teach both General and Business English.

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Course Qualifications

At the end of the course successful candidates receive two certificates:

The Anglo Centres Further Certificate in Teaching Business English


The LCCIE First Certificate for Teachers of Business English.

In order to obtain the LCCIE FTBE certificate candidates will need to take an official examination. Exams can be taken at any of the examination centres that LCCIE have worldwide.

Successful candidates have the option to supplement this online course with a Teaching Practice Certificate and thus gain the Advanced Certificate in Teaching English for Business.

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How the course works

This further TBE qualification is offered in two versions:

Online: Course participants do the course electronically on their own time at their own pace and take the exam at their nearest LCCIE centre. The course includes continual support from a personal tutor and specific exam preparation sessions.

3-Day intensive: This takes places over the course of 3 days in our centre in Tarragona, Spain. Input is delivered in a series of practical workshops where the onus is on interaction and active candidate participation. The course includes specific exam preparation.  

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Course Aims

The aims of this syllabus are to enable candidates to develop a basic knowledge and understanding of the Teaching Business English (TBE) profession in order to:

1) Demonstrate an understanding of the professional skills required of the Business English teacher

2) Identify the methodologies that are most effective in the Business English classroom

3) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic business concepts and practices with which the Business English teacher is expected to be familiar.

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Course and Exam contents

The course is divided into three main topics:

1 Teaching Business English (TBE) professional skills (e.g. needs analysis, syllabus/course design etc)

2 TBE methodologies (e.g. different approaches, classroom management, use of materials etc)

3 Basic business concepts and practices (e.g. business terminology, letter layout etc)

The examination consists of 3 Sections: in Section A there will be one extended question on topic 1, in Section B there will be one extended question on topic 2, and in Section C candidates will choose 2 out of 3 shorter questions on topic 3. Candidates may be expected to draw upon related syllabus topics when answering the questions.

To see the full course syllabus click HERE.

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Grading system

You progress on the course will be continually evaluated. As you continue to improve in your teaching abilities your grade will continue to evolve to reflect your professional growth. Final grades are based on where you are at the end of your training and are given as either A+, A, B+, B or C.

Successful candidates who take the LCCIE official examination will be awarded the First Certificate in Teaching English for Business (Level 2 Certificate in Employability Skills) on the achievement of the percentages and grades below:

 Pass with Distinction (75%)
 Pass with Merit (60%)
 Pass (50%)

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Course length

The LCCIE FTBE is estimated at 60 hours.

The length of time required to complete the online version of the course varies from person to person. If you dedicate yourself to the course fully, for example an average of three hours a day, you can finish in one to two weeks.

The onsite version of the course is done intensively over the course of three days.

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Course Dates and Fees

Click HERE for details on course dates and fees.

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Job Guidance Guarantee

All our students and graduates can benefit from our Lifetime Job Guidance Program. Whilst no organisation can guarantee you a job at the end of your course, at Anglo Centres TEFL we work with you all along until you have found the job you are looking for, wherever that may be.

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Teach with Anglo Centres TEFL after your course!

If you would like to live and teach in Spain you have the opportunity to work for Anglo Centres. We recruit new teachers every year for our Adult, Young Learner and Business English courses.

Priority is given to our graduates so you may well end up teaching at one of our centres!

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